fs = require "fs"
fs = require "fs"
module.exports = class Bang
constructor: ->
The file where data is persisted to disk.
dataPath: process.env.HOME + "/.bang"
Initializes Bang's data store.
loadData: ->
@data = if fs.existsSync @dataPath
JSON.parse fs.readFileSync @dataPath
Writes the data store to disk as JSON.
save: ->
fs.writeFileSync @dataPath, JSON.stringify(@data)
Retrieves a key's value.
get: (key) ->
Sets the value of a key.
set: (key, value) ->
@data[key] = value
Deletes a key.
delete: (key) ->
delete @data[key]
Lists all keys and their values.
list: ->
lines = []
amount = 0
for key of @data
amount = key.length if key.length > amount
for key of @data
lines.push "#{pad(key, amount)}#{key}: #{@get key}"
lines.join "\n"
Helper function to left-pad a string with spaces.
pad = (item, amount) ->
out = ""
i = amount - item.length
while i > 0
out += " "