{Command} = require "commander"
Bang = require "./bang"
{exec} = require "child_process"
packageInfo = require "../package.json"
{Command} = require "commander"
Bang = require "./bang"
{exec} = require "child_process"
packageInfo = require "../package.json"
module.exports = class CLI
Initializes a Bang instance and a Commander instance to process arguments passed from the shell. The optional second argument is an instance of Bang with methods stubbed out for testing purposes.
constructor: (args, mockBang) ->
@bang = mockBang or new Bang
@program = new Command
@program.version(packageInfo.version, "-v, --version")
.usage("[options] [key] [value]")
.option("-d, --delete", "delete the specified key")
Delegates to Bang methods determined by arguments passed from the command line.
start: ->
[key, value] = @program.args
if key and @program.delete
@bang.delete key
else if key and value
@bang.set key, value
else if key
value = @bang.get key
if value
@log value
@copy value
else if Object.keys(@bang.data).length is 0
@log @program.helpInformation()
@log @bang.list()
Wraps console.log
for testing purposes.
log: (args...) ->
console.log args...
Copies a value to the clipboard.
copy: (value) ->
copyCommand = switch process.platform
when "darwin" then "pbcopy"
when "win32" then "clip"
else "xclip -selection clipboard"
if process.platform is "win32"
exec "echo #{value.replace(/\'/g, "\\'")} | #{copyCommand}"
exec "printf '#{value.replace(/\'/g, "\\'")}' | #{copyCommand}"